Graphology For Businesses
Diagnosis, consultation and guidance to business people

A single session or a package of physical or virtual sessions with Eilon Ben Yosef to assist, among other things, in the process of making wise business decisions. Diagnosis of barriers and blockages that hinder business process, and a taste practical tips how to remove them. Deciphering the strategy of the other party to a transaction, and advice how to handle it and other partners in the process. Personality analysis of potential partners and the extent of their suitability.
Diagnosis, consultation and guidance to companies on the placement of human resources and employment of employees
Dedicated engagement with the Institute and the College in which Eilon, among other things, will indicate to the employer the difficulties and failures with the partner or the employee and recommend how to overcome them. Recommendation on the employment or non-employment of new employees, and examination of the extent of their suitability for a specific position by analyzing their handwriting. Indication of the characteristics and traits required for the position, and the extent of the employee’s ability to adapt to the position, the job or the manager. Assistance to managers in company-reorganization plans and recommendations on correct placement of position holders. Locating problematic employees and professional guidance on how to handle it.